2015高三金丽衢十二校第二次英语 高三作文

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第一篇:《浙江省金丽衢十二校2015届高三第一次联考 英语 Word版含答案》

英 语 试 题

命题人:兰溪一中 钱晓东



1. —Don’t hesitate to go to your teachers or parents for help if you feel too much pressure from study.

—_______ .

A. OK, I will B. No, I won’t C. Yes, of course D. Sorry, I don’t

2. Li Na, ______ top Chinese tennis player who once ranked ______ second in the world, has announced to retire recently.

A. / , the B. the, the C. the, / D. a, /

3. —How much homework did you do this weekend, Tom?

—I’m sorry to say, ______. I forgot it.

A. nothing B. none C. neither D. not anything

4. How much ______ your new iPhone 6 looks with the new pack!

A. beautiful B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. more beautifully

5. I, though good at English now, didn’t become interested in it until high school ______ I met my present teacher, Miss Li.

A. when B. where C. while D. on which

6. It is recommended that we have an aim in study and life, or our ______ will be wasted.

A. strength B. power C. energy D. force

7. Going off to college , especially a great one, ______ our mind and helps us prepare better for our future.

A. exchanges B. expands C. explores D. exposes

8. The two presidents talked by telephone on Friday, but the details of ______ they said were not immediately available.

A. which B. that C. how D. what

9. Believe it or not, the West Lake in Hangzhou was ______ by heavy smog on Oct. 17, 2014.

A. swallowed B. covered C. located D. disappeared

10. Not excellent as I am now, I will fight for my future ______ all the challenges.

A. instead of B. because of C. regardless of D. on account of

11. Snowden’s documents showed that the US and the UK ______ on just everyone, including the world leaders.

A. have been spying B. would spy C. are spying D. had been spying

12. —Have you seen this latest American TV series?

—No. I’ve been occupied in my work. ______, it has got terrible reviews.

A. Instead B. Therefore C. Besides D. Otherwise

13. —He is so kind a teacher!

—Yeah. But sometimes he ______ lose temper easily.

A. can B. must C. should D. would

14. Do remember that there is always a chance of the weak ______ the strong.

A. beat B. beating C. to beat D. beaten

15. True friends are those who are always there ______ you are rich or poor.

A. however B. no matter C. when D. whether

16. Words fail me every time I try to express my gratitude to my parents. But for their care all these years, I ______ what I am today.

A. must not have been B. would not be C. will not have been D. should not be

17. With her outstanding performance, Zhang Bichen ______ in the competition of the “Voice of China 2014”.

A. stood out B. turned out C. figured out D. broke out

18. I have never seen such a person before in my mind. ______, that was a long time ago.

A. If so B. If any C. If ever D. If have

19. You can’t imagine what difficulty doctors and medical workers had ______ the spread of Ebola virus.

A. controlled B. to control C. control D. controlling

20. —Jim told me it would be easy for him to pass the driving test.

—Oh, _______ ! You know that’s a big talk.

A. come on B. no way C. it depends D. forget it

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


More often than not, life has its own way of tapping us on the shoulder, whispering “Pay attention to this”, which happens when we expect it.

In the 1950s, I spent my days as a sixth grader in my school. One day, as I remembered, classes with the usual noise made by voices and feet students moved down the hall, up or down staircases. I was walking through the hallway at a rapid pace toward a large double stairway, which the second and third floor of our building. Suddenly I noticed a new sound added to those already me.

As I the bottom of the stairway, I found Rochelle, a girl, who wore full leg braces(支架) and heavy orthopedic(矫形) shoes, made her way across a wooden-floored room. she went, Rochelle us of her serious polio(小儿麻痹症) a few years earlier.


Rochelle’s eyes were such deep ones. She had a small, upturned nose and a wide mouth that smiled more often than not.

As Rochelle moved faster and faster, she lost balance, and face down at the top of the stairway. stretched to help her, but one word from Rochelle them. “No!” she said. I watched her,

She amazingly pushed herself up to a kneeling position, and with a great effort, to her feet. This was not her first time her legs had failed to support her. She held her head , and accepted her book that a boy picked up and held out to her, making her way up the stairway to the second floor, pride in her blue eyes.

The whole incident no more than a couple of minutes, but that day I learned a lot about dignity and strength of character. I found out the meaning of . If Rochelle were alive today, she would probably still wear her braces or may spend her days in a wheelchair, but

I feel certain that her spirit is unchanged. She would be likely to continue to teach life’s little lesson to a great many others, in her own quiet way.

21. A. most

22. A. began

23. A. as

24. A. contributed to

25. A. surrounding

26. A. neared to

27 A. whenever

28. A. regarded

29. A. sad

30. A. ran

31. A. Students

32. A. stopped

33. A. out of breath

34. A. put it

35 A. high

36 A. friendly

37 A. took

38 A. love

39 A. still

40 A. less than B. least B. ended B. because B. turned to B. surrounded B. closed to B. however B. remembered B. blue B. landed B. Shoulders B. encouraged B. taking a breath B. made it B. highly B. kindly B. spent B. appreciation B. even B. other than C. much C. changed C. now that C. came to C. surround C. closed C. wherever C. recommended C. grey C. lost C. Hands C. persuaded C. holding my breath C. took it C. low C. honestly C. cost C. independence C. yet C. rather than D. few D. started D. unless D. led to D. to surround D. neared D. however much D. reminded D. pale D. jumped D. Teens D. urged D. catching my breath D. got it D. lowly D. cautiously D. paid D. kindness D. ever D. more than 第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)



Whether you like it or not, I consider myself an honored member of East Asian society.

For the past 2 years, I’ve had the privilege of travelling to various countries in Asia, specifically Indonesia and China. These trips weren’t the typical vacations that last for roughly two weeks and consist of hurrying from one destination to the next. Rather, I completely buried myself in the culture, staying in both Indonesia and China for approximately 6 weeks. I befriended the man who made my breakfast every day in Beijing.

After two continuous years of escaping to the Eastern Hemisphere, however, I’m staying at home. Every day, I long for the thrill of travelling, the thrill of trying a new Asian dish, the thrill of bargaining with a vendor(小商贩) on the street for what caught my eye. I catch myself watching hours Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, and replaying the parts where he visits a small town in China or a quiet village deep in Vietnam. Occasionally, I go through the pictures from my travels, thinking of the ones where my memories origin from.

My desire to travel, in fact, makes me incredibly impulsive. One day, I was watching my old friend Andrew Zimmern travel to Cambodia. I watched him taste the special foods and float down a large man-made lake, staying with locals trying to find dinner. The second the show ended, I ran upstairs to my computer and looked up plane tickets to Phnom Penh. It’s pitiful, I know.

I apologize for this unhappy story that’s been a good portion of my article. Let me try

to turn things around.

Though I’m upset about not being able to travel for the summer, staying in place does have its ups. I graduated from high school just recently. As I walked across the stage, reaching out for my high school principal’s hand with my right and taking my diploma with my left, I graduated. As I walked across the stage, suddenly, I realized I had just one of the most important stages in my life. I was soon entering the real world, but I had one last summer that see-sawed in between the real world and the world my peers and I had just left. I had one last summer to make memories with high school friends that I would recall during old age.

Additionally, I am pleased to say I have found a job this summer. I work at the Seneca Hill Animal Hospital and Resort where I look after dogs whose owners have left for summer vacation. The work may be hard, but at least it paid off.

All in all, life at home so far has not been all that difficult. I’m spending time with old friends, and earning for myself, two things that could not be done outside the US. Although I would have wanted to spend the summer in a magical land with foreign foods, languages, and people, I have to realize that life is what you make of it. That’s why I’m going to make my time at home the best vacation I’ve ever had.

41. According to the writer, a typical vacation is one ________.

A. that lasts about a fortnight during which you hurry between destinations


B. where you stay in some place for seven weeks

C. where you can stay in East Asia

D. where you needn’t hurry between destinations

42. The writer gives the example of Andrew Zimmern in Paragraph 4 to ________.

A. explain his tiredness of trips to foreign countries

B. express his disappointment with his friends’ holiday

C. share with us his eagerness for trips

D. display his skills of taking photos

43. The underlined phrase “wrapped up” in paragraph 7 has a similar meaning to that in _______.

A. He received his Christmas gift in a box

B. The meeting and we soon left the lecture hall

C. She told the children to warm since it was so cold

D. The manager is in his business, so just wait patiently

44. We can infer from the passage that _______.

A. in writer’s view, the two years in East Asian was another way of vacation

B. during his stay at home, the writer never thought about his travelling

C. without much travelling, life has been difficult for the writer

D. freed from trips, the writer actually gained much more than merely travelling

45. The best title of the passage can be _______.

A. An honored member of East Asian society

B. The privilege of travelling to various countries

C. Life without travelling is not all that difficult

D. Memories to be called up during old age


Once again this year, like last, I have the honor of recommending a selection of books for the TED Bookstore. Below are this year’s picks, along with the original text that appears on the

bookstore cards and the introduction.


When a journalist by the name of “Dear Sugar” introduced herself on The

Rumpus on March 11, 2010, she made her suggestions clear: a “by-the-book

common sense of Dear Abby and the low quality of Cary Tennis and the

rudeness of Dan Savage and…” But in the two-some years that followed, she

went on to deliver something brief, more honest, more profound(深刻的).

Collected in Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar,

one of the best psychology and philosophy books of 2012, is her wholehearted wisdom on life’s trickiest contexts — sometimes the simplest, sometimes the most complex, always the most deeply human.


The questions children ask are often so simple, so basic, that they turn

unclear yet profound philosophy into requiring apple-pie-from-scratch type of

answers. To explore this simplicity and expansiveness, Elwin Harris asked

thousands of primary school children between the ages of four and twelve to

send in their most restless questions, then invited some of today’s most

well-known scientists, philosophers, and writers — including TEDsters like Alain de Botton, Mary Roach, and Richard Dawkins — to answer them. The result is Big Questions from Little People & Simple Answers from Great Minds, among both the best children’s books of 2012 and the year’s overall reader favorites. Part of the money from the book benefits Save the Children.


In Where the Heart Beats, which was also one of the best philosophy

books of 2012, longtime art critic and practicing Buddhist Kay Larson

constructs an intellectual, creative, and spiritual biography of John Cage —

one of the most influential composers in modern history, yet also one of

history’s most misunderstood artists , whose impact reaches beyond the field

of music and into art, literature, cinema. Fifteen years in the making, this superbly researched, beautifully writt单翼天使不孤单en masterpiece weaves together a great many threads of cultural history into a whole understanding of both Cage as an artist and Zen as a lens on existence.


In 1865, Mark Twain did something unexpected — he penned a children’s

story, in which he challenged kids to digest the intelligent humor that was, and

still is, known for among his adult audiences. Nearly a century and a half later,

beloved Russian children’s artist Vladimir Radunsky and Brooklyn independent

publisher Enchanted Lion are bringing Advice to Little Girls to life, imagined in

the style of the scrapbooks and small albums that children of Twain’s time used for doodling(乱涂乱画) and collecting various curious things.

46. The passage is mainly intended as _______.

A. an advertisement of the books B. a brief introduction of some best-sellers

C. a recommendation of bookstores D. an introduction of some well-known writers


47. Which book helps with charity (an organization for helping people in need)?







1. —People should use public transportation more than private cars. —________. The traffic is always so heavy. A. Exactly

B. I’m afraid not C. It depends

D. That’s all right

2. Beijing has been _____ host city of 2022 Winter Olympics, bringing _____ great surprise to Chinese again. A. a, a A. weight A. matches

B. the, the B. height B. are matched

C. a, / C. width C. is matched

D. the, / D. length D. have matched

3. What really counts is not the _____ of life but the depth of life. 4. Words have power that _____ by few things in the world. 5. —Why are your red cherries so expensive?

—You see, the price of fruit always varies _____ the seasons. A. from A. turned

B. with B. bent

C. in C. beaten

D. by D. meant

6. A law can’t be _____ for anyone, even for those in power. 7. —Is there any power left in your cell phone? Mine is dying. —Oh, sorry! There is _____ left in my cell phone, either. A. anything move forward. A. that

B. where

C. what

D. in which


B. no one C. none D. nothing

8. Everyone in the world has a dream, a passion in their life _____ urges them to

9. As the price of housing _____ these years, Shanghai ranks 7 among the world’s top ten cities of price growing. A. grows

B. was growing

C. has been growing

D. has grown

10. —How do you find your first visit to your net friend Jane?

—Oh, wonderful! Her warm welcome left me completely _____. A. at ease to _____. A. make sense




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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词