形容婚纱的唯美词语 好词

时间:2025-01-14 05:56:08 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

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1、咬著唇边 穿起婚纱上路 余生请你指教

Bit his lip edge wear wedding rest of you please enlighten road


Beautiful beautiful wedding not only reflect, reflect more innocent girl and pretty matter, the bride entered the church, the head of the wedding veil off her beauty, even on the neck necklace sparkling, dazzling must be lovely.

3、婚纱其实就是女人心底一个最温暖、最柔情的梦,在女人的心里最深处静静地蛰伏着,随时等待着一阵风起,直到吹得心旌摇曳,吹得婚纱裙袂飘飘。 Wedding woman's heart is actually one of the most warm, most tender dream, in a woman's deepest heart quietly dormant, waiting for a gust of wind, blowing Xinjing until swaying, blowing sleeve wedding dress fluttering.


Wedding is a memory, but also every girl's dream. Fairy tale princess is wearing a beautiful tutu is always the most beautiful side. Each girl has a dream, the dream is always the focus of the world themselves, there is an eternal love their man.


Filled with layers of veil that piece, encrusted satin weave roses and wedding gemstone inlaid fight is the expectation of love, is a happy dream.


That a thin dress, carrying many of our dreams and hopes.

7、我定定地、定定地望着这件婚纱,困惑至极。这就是我印象中完美的那一件吗?分明,它的颜色不够纯正,它的细纱不够轻盈,它的珠绣不够精致。还有,经过磨练后的双眼分明辨出,它的质地几近低劣,它的款样,亦不是华丽中的简单,竟是纯粹的简单啊。在看过的所有婚纱中,它实在很不怎么起眼的。 I will be determined to, will be determined looking at this wedding, extremely confused. This is my impression that a perfect do? Clear, its color is not pure, it is not enough light spinning, it's not very refined beaded. Also, honed after binocular distinguish clearly, its texture almost poor, it's kind of money, nor is gorgeous in a simple, actually pure simple ah. After seeing all of the wedding, it is really how far from the eye.


I think every woman is like wedding, every woman has a fantastic dream wedding, whether she was pretty ugly, and whatever she did not wear a wedding season has passed.



Countless times favorite people imagine themselves to the graceful and beautiful wedding dress: Be sure to be happy with a flushed face like a pet such as Apple, must have a loved intoxicated as planetesimals eyes like ......


A woman's life must wear a white wedding dress, according to a Mimi's wedding.


A wedding dress, full of longing for the future life. A wedding, besides trying to retain their beauty, want to prove himself the election. At his side, who are worthy of trust and rely on.


There are many prospective new bride Lang left under the flash happiest wearing wedding the most beautiful moment. There are also many original marriage wedding photos are not fashionable and later they make, although they face pet no longer young, she is no longer slim, smile on their face can still make the wedding shine. Who says wedding belongs only to youth? As long as there is a dream, there is love, there is happiness, it belongs to every age woman.


Most had seen the last fairy tale princess for the prince is wearing a beautiful wedding palace into a perfect ending. When that moment we thought the heroine since then have a happy life. That we will be hit wedding infections, immersed into happiness in!


It is like a cloud drifting across the blue sky, hanging in the air, but is printed on the sea, worn on the body, but printed on the bottom of my heart that light was a breath of wind stroked over the sand, which was as gentle, it is the interpretation of the language of white, with the glistening smile as beautiful, pull the heartstrings of people, beautiful people desire, the United States people can not breathe.


This is not a dream, in a wedding dress the moment, everything becomes reality, those hazy flowing white dress, those classic, timeless white, beautiful docked here, put it, at your fingertips, perfect craftsmanship to create luxury charm, luxury beauty, delicate woman's choice, charming curves show the natural Feng Ting.



For the wedding, you have a fantasy of what it? May feel somewhat unrealistic, still far from it, like most East West think I'll skip the wedding alone piece, this dress is currently only ideas on just hope it is white, because without it, because white is really beautiful and temperament can Chende girls, models, etc. Others, such as contours or Yigai I did not mind.

18、那些美得让人窒息的婚纱,爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途 ,便是同归。爱情是一个人的事,一个人的义无返顾,一个人的冷暖自知,一个人的天荒地老,无关其它。当一个人出现在你的梦里,是因为那个人想见你。仿佛赤道里遇见北极,爱情绝望的令人颤抖。甘愿变成配角,困在爱你的牢。

Those beautiful and breathtaking wedding, love never only two outcomes, not the special way, is Tonggui. Love is one thing, a man threw a person's Lengnuanzizhi, a man forever, nothing o这样的画面让我流连ther. When a person appears in your dreams, because that person wants to see you. If I meet the equator Arctic, love desperate people tremble. Willing to become a supporting role, trapped in the prison of your love.





Wedding dress is every girls desire, beautiful wedding gowns dazzle us.


For a wedding, what fantasies do you have? May feel a little impractical, like most of East to West, I only skipped a wedding dress this piece, this dress is currently only some of the ideas just would like it to be white, without it, because white can really lined with pretty girls and temperament, others like silhouette or style, and so on, I will have no idea.


Not just married clothing item for the bride, it is a dream of many women.


I want to go with my girlfriends wedding.


5.那些美得让人窒息的婚纱,爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途 ,便是同归。爱情是一个人的事,一个人的义无返顾,一个人的冷暖自知,一个人的天荒地老,无关其



What was beautiful was a breathtaking wedding dress, love had only two outcomes, not different roads, that is: different routes. Love is one thing, a man without returning taking, articulate a person, a person when the Earth and

heaven get old--a long, time, unrelated to the other. When one appears in your dreams, because that person wants to see you. Like the Equator meets the Arctic, love, despair and trembling. Willing to become supporting characters, trapped in the prison for a love you.


If the said body is a gift of God, then a go了凡四训观后感od wedding dress, is the gift of ourselves, layers of design, as if in complained of course not long for SB. one loves


The perfect wedding is every girl's dream wedding is dream of Jia Yi

8、咬著唇边 穿起婚纱上路 余生请你指教

Bit his lip edge wear wedding rest of you please enlighten road


Beautiful beautiful wedding not only reflect, reflect more innocent girl and pretty matter, the bride entered the church, the head of the wedding veil off her beauty, even on the neck necklace sparkling, dazzling must be lovely.


Wedding woman's heart is actually one of the most warm, most tender dream, in a woman's deepest heart quietly dormant, waiting for a gust of wind, blowing Xinjing until swaying, blowing sleeve wedding dress fluttering.形容婚纱的唯美词语。


Wedding is a memory, but also every girl's dream. Fairy tale princess is wearing a beautiful tutu is always the most beautiful side. Each girl has a dream, the dream is always the focus of the world themselves, there is an eternal love their man.


Filled with layers of veil that piece, encrusted satin weave roses and

wedding gemstone inlaid fight is the expectation of love, is a happy dream.


That a thin dress, carrying many of our dreams and hopes.


I will be determined to, will be determined looking at this wedding,

extremely confused. This is my impression that a perfect do? Clear, its color is not pure, it is not enough light spinning, it's not very refined beaded. Also, honed after binocular distinguish clearly, its texture almost poor, it's kind of money, nor is gorgeous in a simple, actually pure simple ah. After seeing all of the wedding, it is really how far from the eye.


I think every woman is like wedding, every woman has a fantastic dream wedding, whether she was pretty ugly, and whatever she did not wear a wedding season has passed.


Countless times favorite people imagine themselves to the graceful and beautiful wedding dress: Be sure to be happy with a flushed face like a pet such as Apple, must have a loved intoxicated as planetesimals eyes like ......


A woman's life must wear a white wedding dress, according to a Mimi's wedding.


A wedding dress, full of longing for the future life. A wedding, besides

trying to retain their beauty, want to prove himself the election. At his side, who are worthy of trust and rely on.








从建筑风格中汲取灵感的“廓型风暴”刮到了我们的婚纱设计上无论全球经济危机下的裙长理论怎样肆意,我们的新娘嫁纱仍旧我行我素,有越来越短的趋势。而且如80年代宽肩造型、Dior先生的New Look、洛可可时代的花样裙撑等等复古轮廓,在2010的婚纱设计上都有所回归。

二、褶饰风情:Justin Alexander2013婚纱

从立体效果印花到以louis Vuitton、Blumarine为首的立体花朵装饰,似乎时装也受3D影响而日趋走向立体。如今,在Justin Alexander2013婚纱系列中,设计师又大量运用了立体褶裥:精美的木耳边,清新的扇贝褶,气势磅礴的大面积层叠褶皱„„尽管装饰复杂,但依然保持着流畅的曲线魅力。风格婉约大气,弥漫熟女气息,而对于局部身材发福的新娘来说,Justin Alexander的立

三、清丽佳人:Oscar de la Renta2013婚纱

从不缺少创意的Oscar de la Renta,在2013婚纱系列中又带给我们无限惊喜!不知是否有借鉴chanel春夏高定的灵感意图,本季的Oscar de la Renta婚纱也以蓝色为主打,无论是如云如雾般飘渺的蓝色薄纱,还是清新亮丽的蓝色丝缎,都展现出新娘出众的审美品位。穿上它,新娘就仿佛是婚礼上的一股清风,直吹心脾

单肩不对称 希腊女神风潮



四、花园映像:Monique Lhuillier2013婚纱

对于2013Monique Lhuillier婚纱秀的每一位观众来说,最大的感受即是:虽然没有花香鸟语,但足够令你置身花园!一件件精美绝伦的婚纱,从含苞欲放的花蕾,到竞相绽放的花朵,从抽象的大花团,到层叠不穷的细密花瓣,每个女孩在拥有Monique Lhuillier的那刻都成为了最美的花仙子!

缤纷色彩 金属光感


五、小露性感:Mark Zunino2013婚纱

丰满的上围雕塑,纤细的腰身剪裁,作为2013婚纱秀的性感主角,Mark Zunino所展现出的新娘既是凹凸有致的,也同样是风姿绰约的。以桃心抹胸为主,新一季的婚纱造型多为蓬蓬裙和鱼尾裙,而在面料的选用上,光泽亮丽的象牙色丝绸与温婉飘逸的薄纱也成为两大不同风格的代表。对于新娘来说,无论是扮演活泼洋溢的公主还是性感蛊惑的美人鱼,都一样值得挑战!

性感蕾丝 含蓄的美


当蕾丝作为热门的婚纱元素铺天盖地袭来时,或许你也在犹豫是否随波逐流。不如借鉴一下2013Douglas Hannant的婚纱灵感吧,用蕾丝做面罩的新娘,隐约间的朦胧美也十分优雅迷人!而对于婚纱本身来说,Douglas Hannant在2013年也开辟了一条清新雅致的路线,利用印花调和出新娘独


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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词