英语作文 > :介绍佳木斯英语作文是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是介绍佳木斯英语作文的正文:
1.How do you understand “ Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be
It means that when something is lost, gone, or past, its really lost, gone, or past. It cannot be returned or replaced. Things especially like Time or Love.
2.Do you prefer a slow pace of life or a fast pace? Giveyour
I do prefer a fast pace of life.with the rapid developement of the technology,our society
is becoming more and more fast.some people thought the fast pace disturubed our life,like the
fast food drings the non-nutrition diet to us,however,i don't think so, i think the fast pace of
life also indicates that our lives have bcoming more and more convenient,that what shoul count
the most and should be encouraged.the more the society develop,the faster our life is!what we
should do is not keep against it but try to adapt to it .
3.Try to describe the writer’s coach Nikolai in your ownwords.
He was strict,determined,hard-working,and professional.
4.How do you understand love?
Love is just a sense between two people. It can not be mesured by money. But it is also
very practical,you must spend a long time to feel it before you make your decisio数学手抄报怎么做n.
5.What do you think of Hollis Meynell?
She is very cautiously and not fully believe in love.
6.Do you think love needs testing? Give your reasons.
This is a very arguable question. It is upto that person to decide after considering the pro's and con's of testing Love. In other words, there are advantages and disadvantages of testing Love.
7.Do you think a person’s name is associated with his orher success? Give your reasons. No,I don't think so.Because in the name are the best wishes from parents,and their hope for
the child. Although many people in China think that one's name have something to do with their
success. BUt I am against them , as far as I know, many people in china have the same name,
中小学生作文however those who have the same name didn't all became suceessful. Only those who have worked
亲情素材事例摘抄大全very hard may have the chance to be sucessful.
8.Do you like your own name? Why or why not?
To tell the truth, I am quite satisfied with my name. First of all, they are given to me by
my family. Each of the word in my name have a good meaning, which is to be happy and beautiful.
Above all, it sounds great, i love hearing my family and friends calling me by my name.
Hardworking-One Word to Describe Myself
If I have to describe myself in a word, it might be hardworking. In other words, the word of hardworking can show the best aspect of myself and embody the attitude of my life. I acquire this word by thinking of my daily life and through the praise of my english teacher and classmates. As far as I am concerned, hard work is suitable for me. As can be best illustrated in terms of the process of learning English. When I was in primary school, I had a poor in English but I did not give up. Every morning I got up earlier to practice the language of English in listening speaking reading and writing. By a semester of hardworking, I made great progress in taking in English. Just as an old saying goes “industry works wonder.” Once my English teacher told me that maybe I am not the intelligent student but I can be one of his hardworking students.
Hard work has a good influence on my life. On the one hand, by working hard I made an achievement in my school life and in my daily life. On the other hand, I develop strong personality in facing with difficulties. In a word, hard work is one of the best words to describe myself.
If I have to describe myself in a word, it might be hardworking. In other words, the word of hardworking can show the best aspect of myself and embody the attitude of my life. I acquire this word by thinking of my daily life and through the praise of my english teacher and classmates.
As far as I am concerned, hard work is quiet suitable for me. As can be best illustrated in terms of the process of learning English. When I was in primary school, I had a poor in English but I did not give up. Every morning I got up earlier to practice the language of English in listening speaking reading and writing. By a semester of hardworking, I made great progress in taking in English.Just as an old saying goes "industry works wonder. " Once my English teacher told me that maybe I am not the intelligent student but I can be one of his hardworking students.
Hardworking has a good influence on my life. On the one hand, by working hard I made an achievement in my school life and in my daily life. On the other hand, I develop strong personality in facing with difficulties. In a word, hardworking is one of the best words to describe myself.
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3 魏帆;;智能配电网的实用化[J];农村电气化;2011年03期
4 黄猛才;;配网自动化实践技术方案分析[J];中国高新技术企业;2011年18期
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6 刘丽群;;佳木斯市区配网自动化方案的可行性研究[J];中国新技术新产品;2011年18期 7 莫从元;;探讨城市配网自动化及其配网规划的应用[J];中国新技术新产品;2011年18期
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Hardworking-One Word to Describe Myself
If I have to describe myself in a word, it might be hardworking. In other words, the word of hardworking can show the best aspect of myself and embody the attitude of my life. I acquire this word by thinking of my daily life and through the compliment of my english teacher and classmates.
As far as I am concerned, hard work is suitable for me. As can be best illustrated in terms of the process of learning English. When I was in primary school, I had a poor in English but I did not give up. Every morning I got up earlier to practice the language of English in listening speaking reading and writing. By a semester of hardworking, I made great progress in taking in English. Just as an old saying goes “industry works wonder.” Once my English teacher told me that maybe I am not the intelligent student but I can be one of his hardworking students.
Hard work has a good influence on my life. On the one hand, by working hard I made an achievement in my school life and in my daily life. On the other hand, I advance strong personality in facing with difficulties. In a word, hard work is one of the best words to describe myself.
If I have to describe myself in a word, it might be hardworking. In other words, the word of hardworking can show the best aspect of myself and embody the attitude of my life. I acquire this word by thinking of my daily life and through the compliment of my english teacher and classmates. As far as I am concerned, hard work is suitable for me. As can be best illustrated in terms of the process of learning English. When I was in primary school, I had a poor in English but I did not give up. Every morning I got up earlier to practice the language of English in listening speaking reading and writing. By a semester of hardworking, I made great progress in taking in English. Just as an old saying goes "industry works wonder." Once my English teacher told me that maybe I am not the intelligent student but I can be one of his hardworking students.
In my opinion,hard work has a good influence on my life. On the one hand, by working hard I made an achievement in my school life and in my daily life. On the other hand, I advance strong personality in facing with difficulties. In a word, hard work is one of the best words to describe myself.
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