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第一篇:《(湖北专版)2014高考英语大二轮 增分精品专题复习试题 介词短语(含2013调研,真题,含解析)》

第二讲 介词短语


1.(2013·湖北黄石三校高三下学期调研)Having been________for long,I found it a bit challenging to handle the machine.

A.out of place

C.out of shape B.out of control D.out of practice

解析: 考查介词短语。句意为:长时间没有练习,我感觉操作这台机器有一点挑战性。out of practice生疏,符合句意。out of place不得体,不适当;out of control无法管理,失去控制;out of shape变形的,走样的。

答案: D

2.(2013·湖北省鄂西示范校高中毕业班质量检查)To make the task more practical to perform,the chief engineer talked________about the measures to take at the conference. length most stake ease

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:为了使这个任务更具有可行性,那位总工程师在会上跟我们详尽地讨论了要采取的措施。at length详尽地,符合句意。at stake有风险;at most至多;at ease舒适。

答案: A

3.(2013·湖北省部分重点中学高三下学期联考)Victoria is our friend and she is in trouble now.We should do something to help her ________ just talking about it.

A.due to spite of B.but for D.instead of

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:维多利亚是我们的好朋友,她现在身陷困境,我们应当做点什么去帮助她,而不是只是谈论。D.代替,而不是,符合句意。A.由于,因为;


答案: D

4.(2013·湖北省武汉市武昌区联考)It should be ________that the civil servant should be dismissed for drunk driving.

A.out of control

C.out of place B.out of practice D.out of question

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:公务员醉驾毫无疑问应该被免职。out of question毫无疑问,符合句意。out of control失去控制;out of practice生疏;out of place不合适的。

答案: D

5.(2013·湖北武汉名校第二次调研)I’ll be________the whole factory next week when the director is away. want of favour of B.in感恩的心作文300字 search of charge of

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:下周厂长不在时,我将负责整个工厂。in charge of表示“负责,掌管”,符合句意。A.需要(某事物);B.搜寻;C.支持,赞同。

答案: D

6.(2013·湖北荆州质量检测Ⅰ)I would like to rent a house,modern,comfortable,________in a quiet neighborhood.

A.after all

C.first of all B.above all all

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:我想租一间房子,现代化的,舒适的,最重要的是在一个清静的住宅区里。after all毕竟;above all最重要的是;first of all首先;in all总共,总计。根据句意可知应选B。

答案: B

7.(2013·湖北襄阳五校高三下学期期中联考)The system can actually warn us________when our behavior might lead to a negative outcome,so that we can avoid making a mistake. advance charge brief vain

解析: 考查介词短语。句意为:当我们的行为可能导致消极的结果时,这个系统能够提前给我们发出警报,让我们避免犯错误。这里用in advance表示“提前”。in brief简言之;in charge主管,照管;in vain徒劳,无结果。

答案: A

8.(2013·湖北武汉4月调研)If you are________then exercise,or the movements you make,will cause you some degree of physical harm.

A.out of breath

C.out of luck B.out of work D.out of condition

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。out of breath喘不过气来;out of work失业;out of luck运气不好;out of condition健康状况不好。句意为:如果你身体状况不好的话,那么锻炼或者你做的运动会对你的身体造成一定程度的伤害。由语境可知,D项正确。

答案: D

9.(2013·湖北七市4月联考)Housing prices in Beijing and Shanghai are now largely________for low­income families.

A.out of control

B.out of touch

C.out of reach D.out of order

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:北京和上海的房价,在很大程度上,对于低收入家庭来说遥不可及。out of control意为“失控”;out of touch意为“失去联系”;out of reach意为“够不着,达不到”;out of order意为“不整齐,发生故障”。根据常识可知,北京和上海的房价很高,再结合语境中的低收入家庭可知,out of reach符合句意。

答案: C

10.(2013·湖北省两所名校高三4月联考)________the Lantern Festival,the villagers have prepared to perform the dragon dancing,which I think will be a feast for the eye.

A.In accordance with

C.In celebration of B.In addition to D.In exchange for

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。语意表示村民为了庆祝元宵节而准备舞龙,故选C表示“庆祝”。

答案: C

11.(2013·湖北省部分重点中学高三下学期联考)To make a good career choice,you should first find out whether employees in a particular field are________. tune charge demand detail

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。语意表示首先要了解是否非常需要这一行业的雇员,用in demand表示“需求大”。

答案: B

12.(2013·湖北武汉市名校第二次调研)According to Italian law,the captain who abandoned his ship________will face up to 12 years in prison. turn short supply danger

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:根据意大利的法律,那个抛弃陷入险境的船只的船长将面临最高12年的监禁。这里用in danger表示“处于危险中”。

答案: D

13.(2013·湖北孝感市第一次统考)—What did he say________his stupid behavior? —He admitted having made a serious mistake. explanation of case of favor of fear of

解析: 考查介词短语。——他对他愚蠢的行为作何解释?——他承认自己犯了一个严重的错误。从对话的语境看,这里应用in explanation of,表示“作为解释”。B.赞成,青睐;C.如果,假使;D.害怕,担心。

答案: A


14.(2012·湖北八校第二次联考)Although police could be seen everywhere,they seemed to be searching the houses almost________. ease risk random length

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:虽然警察随处可见,但他们似乎是在随意地搜寻。这里用at random表示“随意地,任意地”。A.无拘无束;C.有危险;D.详尽地,最后。

答案: B

15.(2013·武汉市高考答题适应性训练)After the break,the lecturer went on to talk________about the new academic concept. length turn all most

解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:休息后,演讲者继续详细地讨论新的学术概念。at length意为“最后,详尽地”;in all意为“总共,总计”;in turn意为“依次,轮流”;at most意为“至多”。根据句意可知A项正确。

答案: A




At the onset of a northern winter,many dream of warmer climates.In 1934 the Canadian­born composer Colin McPhee did more than dream.He set out for the island of Bali.

In his book A House in Bali,Colin McPhee described how he first gained insight into the essence of Balinese music.For about a month he had been working on transcribing a complete score of a Balinese play he had seen.It seemed impossible that so much beauty could be achieved with a scale (音阶) of only five tones.

But the distinctive embellishments (修饰) of the music eluded him.Fortunately a young household helper and his friend decided to assist.One morning they set two objects next to McPhee’s piano.They were metal key instruments.The two boys played them in what struck McPhee as “a fast duet (二重奏) in Morse code”.

At last the composer had found the key to Balinese music.“Wait!” McPhee would call out from the piano as the boys flew along.“Stop!Please!That bit once more!”

Patiently the boys would stop and began again.But soon they were flying again,faster than ever,amazing McPhee with their memory and precision.Sometimes the patterns repeated.Sometimes they opened up into something new.Then,suddenly the

whole duet would fly apart and the boys would burst out laughing,breaking the spell.

Although Colin McPhee left the island in 1939,he remained spellbound by Balinese music.And its rich,distinctive sound would colour many of the compositions he would write for the next quarter century.

语篇解读 本文主要讲述了作曲家Colin McPhee的巴厘岛音乐之行。

1.From the passage we can learn that________.

A.Colin McPhee set foot on the island of Bali in late winter

B.the book A House in Bali detailed how Colin Mcphee understood the life of the island

C.Colin McPhee actually acquired much beauty of Balinese music

D.for a month Colin McPhee had been watching a Balinese play he had seen before 解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段的第一、二句可知A、B、D项错误。根据第二段第三句以及最后一段的内容可知C项正确。

答案: C

2.The word “eluded” in the third paragraph can be replaced by “________”.


C.disappointed B.shocked D.puzzled

解析: 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句和画线词后面的“一个年轻人和他朋友决定来帮他”可知,该词的含义是“使困惑”。

答案: D

3.Colin McPhee was astonished because________.

A.the two locals played part of Balinese music once more unwillinglyFor,years,,the,giant,squid,had,remained,a。

B.Colin McPhee eventually found the key to Balinese music

C.the two boys played their instruments so precisely and skillfully

D.Balinese music displayed something new for Colin McPhee

解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段的后两句和第五段的第二句“But soon they were flying again,faster than ever,amazing McPhee with their memory and precision.”可知选C。

答案: C

4.The passage is mainly about________.

A.a book introducing the island of Bali

B.two Balinese boys playing the piano

C.a composer named Colin McPhee

D.Balinese music touching Colin McPhee

解析: 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了作曲家Colin McPhee在巴厘岛

第二篇:《高考最后一卷 英语(第一模拟)》


英 语(第一模拟)

【命题报告】 本套试卷是笔者按照2013年安徽高考英语《考试说明》编制而成的,围绕高考英语的热点和重点命题,对基础知识进行考查,注重在一定语境中考查考生的能力,对2013年安徽高考英语有很强的预测性。听力材料来源于英语国家的生活会话,话题广,主要考查考生获取具体事实信息和对所听材料进行简单推断的能力。单项填空题遵循安徽省《考试说明》的要求,考查考生对中学阶段所学词汇和语法的掌握情况,以及在一定语境中熟练运用这些基础知识的能力。完形填空所选材料为夹叙夹议文,告诉我们,生活中也应有"预警灯"为我们指明方向;文章贴近生活实际,设空科学,需要根据语境进行分析的题目较多,符合在一定语境中考查考生英语语言知识的要求。阅读理解文章体裁多样,所设题型贴近高考,在考查考生阅读理解能力的同时,不同的文体风格与内容给考生以全新的感受。A篇为大家揭开了大王乌贼的神秘面纱;B篇介绍了俄罗斯的奥伊米亚康村庄,它是全球最冷的居住点;C篇介绍了一位氦气球飞行爱好者Trappe;D篇告诉我们,人类应对不断增加的狐狸伤人事件负责;E篇讲述了比尔·盖茨的育儿经。书面表达要求考生以"What is happiness?"为题写一篇短文,具有一定的情感教育意义和社会意义,符合安徽高考命题特点,有利于考生充分发挥自己的写作水平。



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.Whats the mans hobby?

A. Collecting stamps. B. Taking photos. C. Drawing pictures.

2.How many packets of cigarettes has the man got?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Five.

3.Why does the woman go to Seattle?

A. Shell go there to meet the mans sister. B. Shes going to attend a graduation.

C. She will go to a photographic exhibition.

4.What did the woman buy?

A. A Chinese painting. B. A collection of poems. C. A foreign painting.

5.What do we know about the womans English?

A. Shes got an obvious American accent. B. Her English is no better than Tim.

C. Her pronunciation is not so good.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What is the first thing to consider while selecting a pet?

A. Whether youre responsible for the pet. 感恩老师的信B. What animal to keep as a pet.

C. Your lifestyle and living conditions.

7.How does the woman feel about keeping dogs as pets?

A. Great. B. Bad. C. Unknown.

8.Why does the woman think it difficult to select a pet?

A. Not all animals are allowed to be kept. B. There are no perfect animals.

C. It takes time and work.


9.Why does Jim have to be fired?

A. There is a crisis. B. He doesnt operate the machine well.

C. Hes got other job offers.

10.Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Headmaster and teacher. B. Manager and secretary. C. Director and actress.

11.What do we know about the man?

A. He was once dismissed. B. He neednt talk to Jim himself.

C. He decides to make no explanation to Jim.


12.How does the man think of the Chinese football team?

A. Energetic. B. Satisfying. C. Disappointing.

13.Whats the first thing the man suggests for the Chinese football team?

A. Financial support. B. Reward and punishment. C. Management.

14.Whats the woman?

A. An interviewer. B. A coach. C. A manager.


15.Why does the man ask for help?

A. He doesnt know how to use the library. B. He has no student ID card to check out books.

C. He doesnt know where the library is.

16.Whats special for magazines and journals?

A. They can be renewed and kept longer. B. They are in great demand.

C. They have to be read within the library.

17.How long can the books be kept?

A. For a day. B. For a week. C. For a month.


18.Whats the te描写我的作文xt mainly about?

A. Child actors education. B. TV shows made in Hollywood. C. Ways to be child stars.

19.How long do child actors have to attend class?

A. About twelve hours each week. B. About three hours every day. C. About twenty hours each month.

20.What do we know about the child actors?

A. They are usually bad pupils. B. They seldom get enough rest and play.

C. They often become famous stars.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.—Dad, shall I drive us home tonight in place of you?

—No, .

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