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英语作文 > :名牌大学的一主二奴是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是名牌大学的一主二奴的正文:


分数 得 90 分,满分 100 分

问题 1 .得 20 分,满分 20 分

匹配题:将A和B相匹配。 Directions: Match these words or phrases with their definitions. (将生词与相应的定义相匹配)。


[1]1.get there [2]2.then and there [3]3.autograph [4]4.duet [5]5.cover charge [6]6.fall apart

[7]7.turn your nose up [8]8.come along [9]9.give sth. a shot [10]10.celebrity


A. signature B. tip C. be in bad condition D. immediately E. go somewhere F. refuse to accept G. succeed in doing sth. H. famous people I. two singers that perform together J. make an attempt 1 的指定答案: g

2 的指定答案: d

3 的指定答案: a

4 的指定答案: i

5 的指定答案: b

6 的指定答案: c

7 的指定答案: f

8 的指定答案: e

9 的指定答案: j

10 的指定答案: h

. 问题 2 .得 16 分,满分 20 分

匹配题:将A和B相匹配。 Directions: Match these words or phrases with their definitions. (将生词与相应的定义相匹配)。


[1]11.same here [2]12.move in [3]13.anatomy [4]14.required [5]15.major



A. the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants

B. go to a different place to live or work

C. someone studying a particular subject as their main subject

D. me too.

E. needed; essential

(Unit 11) Match each underlined part of the sentences in Column A with an explanation in Column B.


[6]16.If you are running out of time, I can help you out.

[7]17.Can your guardian help you out with your tuition?

[8]18.I think I can help you out in this situation.

[9]19.I was hired to assist the manager with his duties.

[10]20.Do we have any instructions to assist us?


A. to help someone to do something

B. to make it easier for someone to do something

C. to help someone who is busy by doing some of their work for them

D. to give someone money

E. to give help and support to someone who has problems

1 的指定答案: d

2 的指定答案: b

3 的指定答案: a

4 的指定答案: e

5 的指定答案: c

6 的指定答案: a

7 的指定答案: d

8 的指定答案: e

9 的指定答案: c

10 的指定答案: b

. 问题 3 .得 20 分,满分 20 分

二、选词填空: Direction: Select the most appropriate phrase and use the proper form to complete each of the following sentences. You can use one phrase more than once.

(Unit 7)

A. hang on B. hang around C. hang back D. hang on somebody’s words E. hang around with

21. Much ______[1]______ the success of this meeting.

22. Don’t _____[2]_______. Go to introduce yourself to your classmates.

23. In Mr. Smith’s math class, Mary always ______[3]______ and takes good notes.

24. I ____[4]__如何践行工匠精神______ the station for an hour but he never showed up.

25. I’m kind of worried about my son, because he ____[5]________ the bad boys.

26. ________[6]____ a second, 1 will come to you.名牌大学的一主二奴。

27. She was watching his face, _______[7]____________.

28. The people I used to _____[8]________ were much older than me.

29. Don’t ______[9]_______, do something useful.

30. The hotel wouldn’t let her ___[10]________ to her room.


二、选词填空: Direction: Select the most appropriate phrase and use the proper form to complete each of the following sentences. You can use one phrase more than once.

(Unit 7)

A. hang on B. hang around C. hang back D. hang on somebody’s words E. hang around with

21. Much ______A______ the success of this meeting.

22. Don’t _____C_______. Go to introduce yourself to your classmates.

23. In Mr. Smith’s math class, Mary always ______D______ and takes good notes.

24. I ____B________ the station for an hour but he never showed up.

25. I’m kind of worried about my son, because he ____E________ the bad boys.

26. ________A____ a second, 1 will come to you.

27. She was watching his face, _______D____________.

28. The people I used to _____E________ were much older than me.

29. Don’t ______B_______, do something useful.

30. The hotel wouldn’t let her ___A________ to her room.

. 问题 4 .得 28 分,满分 34 分

(Unit 9)

A. run somebody to earth B. nothing on earth C. come down to earth D. look like nothing on earth E. cost the earth F. on earth

31. Mary has been looking for Bob all day and she finally ____[1]_______ in a pub.

32. Lillian is really a beautiful and charming girl. It must ____[2]_______ to win her heart.

33. I don't think you can persuade me. _____[3]______ can make me change my mind.

34. Why ______[4]_____ would he want to go to such a place?

35. When he ____[5]_______ after his win, he admitted: "It was an amazing feeling.


36. In science fiction novels, readers can find creatures that _____[6]______.

37. What a beautiful necklace! It must have ____[7]_______!

38. ______[8]_____ would persuade me to repeat the experience of marriage.

(Unit 10)

A. destroy B. ruin C. spoil

39. The storm ____[9]_____ the crops.

40. You've completely _____[10]____ my day.

41. Their traditional way of life has been ____[11]_____.

42. Too much sugar can ____[12]_____ your teeth.

43. I don't want to _____[13]____ your fun.

44. The school was completely ____[14]_____ by fire.名牌大学的一主二奴。

(Unit 12)

A. in sales B. on sale C. for sale

45. There was a ___[15]_________ sign in the yard..

46. Stephen King's new novel will go _____[16]_______ tomorrow morning.

47. Wow! The latest car will be ______[17]______ next week!

所选答案: (Unit 9)

A. run somebody to earth B. nothing on earth C. come down to earth D. look like nothing on earth E. cost the earth F. on earth

31. Mary has been looking for Bob all day and she finally ____A_______ in a pub.

32. Lillian is really a beautiful and charming girl. It must ____E_______ to win her heart.

33. I don't think you can persuade me. _____B______ can make me change my mind.

34. Why ______F_____ would he want to go to such a place?

35. When he ____C_______ after his win, he admitted: "It was an amazing feeling.

36. In science fiction novels, readers can find creatures that _____D______.

37. What a beautiful necklace! It must have ____E_______!

38. ______B_____ would persuade me to repeat the experience of marriage.




今年是一二·九运动八十周年。八十年前,在中国共产党的组织和 领导下,青年学生用热血唤起全国人民的觉醒,掀开了中华民族抗日救国的序幕,促进抗日民族统一战线的形成。在党和国家全面建成小康社会的新时期,继承和发扬一二·九运动精神,就是要求我们切实保持和增强共青团工作的政治性、先进性、群众性,组织动员全校学生更加紧密地团结在学校党委周围,有效引导全校学生坚定理想信念,牢记时代使命,勇担历史重任,团结带领全校学生凝心聚力,建功立业,和谐奋进,汇聚强大的青春正能量,在建成国际知名高水平研究型大学的实践中放飞梦想,在实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的征程中创造无愧于青春的光辉业绩。基于此,团委决定开展纪念一二·九运动八十周年主题团日活动。







2、xx大学纪念一二·九运动八十周年专题辅导 报告;












并请于12月15日前将活动开展情况、好的做法及活动相关 材料发送至xx。




全国一二三本大学名单 2012-08-15 14:39



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